Sunday, November 11, 2007

Oh, Students! My, Students! Our hopeful trip has just begun


Just a reminder that Step Two is due tonight before midnight. Also, if you haven't emailed me your URL for your blog, then please do so. If I don't have it, then I won't be able to see that you posted on time.

Stay tuned regarding class on Tuesday. We may be in the library for class, in order to allow everyone some time to either begin researching more extensively, ask me questions, or work with your partner to further develop your plan of negotiation/mediation. I'll send an email tomorrow afternoon to let you know for sure.


By the way, does anyone know what poem I am alluding to in the title? Who was it written for?

1 comment:

JasonR said...

The title refers to a poem titled "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt Whitman. The poem was written for the death of Abraham Lincoln.